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We have a comprehencive range of bikes


We have a comprehensive range of bikes, from starter bikes for kids to adult bikes.

All our bikes are built by us and can be ridden away from the shop.

Although we do other bikes we like Ridgeback and Haro. You can follow the links to see more from these manufacturers .

The reason why we like them is that they are well made and of very high quality.

Ridgeback you will find are Shimano equipped. This means quality and when repairs come along for what ever reason you will find the parts available and reasonably priced.

We try to avoid Sram  equipped bikes as this equipment although the bikes equipped with this are cheaper the parts art far more expensive and often difficult to get  and in our experience they have a much shorter life expectancy.

Haro are a brand from the 70s and have been at the forefront of competition in BMX.

The quality of the bikes is first class and although we have only been selling them for a year we are delighted with them.

We also sell Pro Bikes in the children’s range and although not an expensive range, has in 21 years always proved to be a bike that the people who buy them are happy with the way they last and very often buy another Pro Bike when their children outgrow them. We had one Pro Bike that came in for service that was used buy third child, it was 8 years old and still going strong.